[Sticky] Big News regarding the R1200/R1250 wethead Bikes!!
Our good friends at Tytler's/Moto Union informed us at a club meeting that there is a BMW campaign to remove, inspect, and grease the drive (cardan) shaft on the R1200/R1250 GS/A, R, RS, and RT models at no cost to the consumer. BMW is paying for this service every 12,000 miles. On top of that, BMW will replace the drive (cardan) shaft every 36,000 miles, also at no cost to the customer.
This driveshaft service is for the life of the cycle, and is NOT limited to the original owner.
If you have one of these bikes and are over 12,000 miles and have not had the driveshaft serviced please call our friends at Tytler's or Motor Union to get your service scheduled.
Here is a PDF with the information regarding this service: bulletin
Here is a picture of a local owners driveshaft from a 2017 GSA.. He was lucky and did not go down after this failure. He just posted this on a another forum today
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